What to Expect with First Appointment with Bariatric Surgeon

What to Expect with First Appointment with Bariatric Surgeon

When you schedule your initial consultation with a bariatric surgeon, you are taking a significant step on your weight loss journey. This meeting is a comprehensive evaluation where you will discuss your medical history, weight loss goals, and the options available for bariatric surgery.

It's important to approach this appointment with an understanding that the surgeon is not just assessing your suitability for the procedure, but also providing you with the information necessary to make an informed decision about your health.

During the first appointment, the bariatric surgeon will review in detail your medical records and previous weight loss attempts. This information helps the surgeon determine which type of weight loss surgery might be most effective for you. You should be prepared to speak openly about your diet, exercise habits, and any underlying health conditions that could affect the surgery or its outcomes.

The surgeon will also explain the different surgical options and the changes each procedure will require in terms of your lifestyle. Physicians specializing in bariatric surgery aim to ensure that patients have realistic expectations about the surgery, recovery, and the long-term commitment to maintaining a healthy weight. Remember that this consultation is as much about you evaluating the surgeon and their team as it is about them evaluating you; feel free to ask questions and express any concerns you may have.

How to Find a Bariatric Surgeon

When seeking a bariatric surgeon, begin by consulting with your primary care physician. They can offer recommendations and discuss how a bariatric procedure fits into your overall health plan. It's also important to check with your insurance company to understand your coverage and any network restrictions that may influence your choice of surgeon.

Research Credentials and Experience:

 Look for a surgeon who is board certified and has a significant track record in bariatric surgery. Resources like the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) provide listings of qualified bariatric surgeons.

Consider the Team:

 A comprehensive bariatric program includes not just surgeons but also nutritionists, psychologists, and physician assistants. Ensure the surgeon works within an interdisciplinary team to support all aspects of your care.

Steps to Take


Verify Surgeon’s Credentials

MD with board certification in gastrointestinal surgery.

Contact Insurance Company

Confirm procedure coverage and in-network surgeons.

Check Hospital Affiliations

Look for hospitals recognized for bariatric care.

Schedule Consultations

Meet with potential surgeons to discuss your case.

Look for Multidisciplinary Programs

Confirm the presence of a team-based approach to care.

During initial consultations, you have the opportunity to evaluate the surgeon's experience, discuss your medical history, and establish a level of comfort with their approach to care. Remember, your rapport with your surgeon and their team is a critical component of a successful surgical outcome.

How to Prepare for the Consultation

​​Gather Your Medical History

Before your appointment, compile all previous healthcare records, including medications, prior surgeries, and any chronic conditions. This information will provide your surgeon with a comprehensive understanding of your health background.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Verify your coverage by reaching out to your insurance company. Ask about the specifics of bariatric surgery coverage and any required prerequisites for the procedure.

Establish a Schedule

Free up your calendar around the time of your consultation to reduce stress. Make sure you can attend without rushing, providing time for a thorough discussion with your surgeon.

Understand Nutritional Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with general preoperative dietary guidelines. Bariatric surgery often requires dietary adjustments, and understanding these ahead of time can be beneficial.

Consult a Dietitian

Consider scheduling an appointment with a dietitian experienced in bariatric surgery. They can offer advice on making necessary dietary changes and help you start on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

Plan for Lifestyle Changes

Contemplate sustainable lifestyle changes that you can implement, such as increased physical activity and healthier eating habits. These changes can contribute to the success of the surgery.

Consider a Psychological Evaluation

Many bariatric programs include a psychological assessment to ensure that you are mentally prepared for the surgery and the subsequent lifestyle adjustments. Familiarize yourself with this process, so you know what to expect.

Things to Cover at Your First Consultation

Your first consultation with a bariatric surgeon is critical to establishing a tailored approach to your weight loss surgery. It's important to discuss your medical history, weight loss goals, surgical options, and understand the potential risks and success rates.

Medical History Review

In this discussion, provide a comprehensive overview of your health background. It's imperative to mention any existing conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart disease, or high cholesterol. This will help your surgeon assess the possible impact on your surgery and anesthetic considerations.

  • Health Conditions: List all current and past medical conditions.
  • Medications: Provide details of medications and dosages.
  • Previous Surgeries: Mention any prior surgeries, particularly relating to weight loss.
  • Family History: Discuss if there's a history of obesity or related health issues in your family.

Weight Loss Goals

Clearly articulate your long-term weight loss objectives. It’s essential to set realistic and achievable goals to enhance the long-term success of your weight loss journey.

  • Define specific, measurable targets.
  • Discuss your motivation for weight loss and how it impacts your daily life.

Surgical Options

Explore the different weight loss surgery options available and how they pertain to your situation. Your surgeon will provide detailed information about each procedure and whether you're a candidate for noninvasive or minimally invasive options.

  • Gastric Bypass
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • Adjustable Gastric Band
  • Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Each option has specific benefits, requirements, and life adjustments post-surgery.

Risks and Success Rates

It's vital to understand the risk of complications associated with bariatric surgery and the long-term success rates. Your surgeon will cover:

  • Potential short-term and long-term risks.
  • Success statistics based on patients with similar profiles.
  • Follow-up care and lifestyle changes required to maintain success.

Discussing these topics thoroughly with your bariatric surgeon will ensure you are well-informed and prepared to take the next step in your weight loss journey.

What Questions to Ask During Bariatric Surgery Consultation

When preparing for your first consultation with a bariatric surgeon, it's important to gather information to make an informed decision about the surgery. Here are some example questions you should consider asking:

Surgery Date and Process:

  • "What is the expected timeline for the surgery from initial consultation to the actual procedure?"
  • "Could you walk me through the surgery process on the day of the procedure?"

Risk of Complications:

  • "What are the potential risks and complications associated with bariatric surgery?"
  • "How frequently do you encounter complications with this type of surgery?"


  • "Will I need to adjust my current medications before or after surgery?"
  • "Are there any new medications I will need to take post-surgery?"


  • "What dietary changes should I prepare for both before and after the surgery?"
  • "Can you provide me with guidelines on vitamin and mineral supplementation?"

Physical Activity:

  • "What is the recommended physical activity plan after surgery?"
  • "How soon can I resume exercise and are there any restrictions?"

Follow-up Care:

  • "How often are follow-up visits scheduled post-surgery?"
  • "What does follow-up care typically involve?"

What Tests to Expect

Before you undergo bariatric surgery, you'll need to complete several medical tests to ensure you're a fit candidate for the procedure. These evaluations will help your team determine your overall health and prepare for a successful surgery.

Labs and Bloodwork

Blood Tests: Expect to undergo comprehensive bloodwork to assess your metabolic function and nutritional status. This will typically include a complete blood count (CBC), a lipid profile to check cholesterol levels, and liver function tests, among others, to evaluate any underlying conditions like anemia or clotting disorders.

Nutritional Deficiencies: Your bloodwork will also check for nutritional deficiencies which are crucial since you'll need to ensure proper nutrition pre- and post-surgery.


Chest X-Ray: A chest x-ray is performed to check the health of your lungs and heart. This is to rule out any potential issues that could complicate anesthesia or the surgery itself.

Abdominal Ultrasound: You may receive an ultrasound to check for gallstones, which can be common in individuals with obesity.


EKG: An electrocardiogram (EKG) will be conducted to assess your heart's electrical activity and to identify any pre-existing cardiac conditions.

Sleep Apnea Screening: If you have symptoms of sleep apnea, you may need a sleep study. Untreated sleep apnea can increase risks during and after surgery.

Nutritional Assessment

Dietitian Evaluation: A dietitian will assess your eating habits to ensure you can adhere to the dietary changes required post-surgery.

Metabolic Evaluation: This involves looking at your weight history, diet attempts, and any metabolic disorders, like diabetes, that could affect surgery outcomes or require management post-surgery.

How To Make The Most of Your Consultation


When preparing for your first bariatric surgeon appointment, thorough preparation is essential. The initial visit is a prime opportunity to discuss your options, understand procedures, and set the course for successful weight loss surgery. Follow these steps to maximize your consultation:

  1. Educate Yourself: Prior to your appointment, attend a seminar or information session if available. It will give you a solid groundwork on bariatric surgery options such as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and lap band.
  2. Document Your Weight History: Your surgeon will need to understand your weight loss efforts. Include diets, physical activity regimes, and lifestyle changes you've attempted.
  3. Prepare a List of Questions: Write down any queries you have about bariatric surgery and the specific procedures like gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery. Do not hesitate to ask about risks, benefits, recovery, and long-term expectations.
  4. Discuss Your Diet & Supplements: Be ready to discuss your current nutrition and eating habits with the surgeon or dietitian. This will help them recommend necessary adjustments pre- and post-surgery.
  5. Medication and Supplement Review: Bring a list of any medications and supplements you are taking. This will help your surgeon determine if changes are needed before surgery.
  6. Understand the Full Scope: Recognize that surgery is a tool, not a cure. A commitment to sustainable lifestyle changes and continued physical activity is necessary for long-term success.

By arriving prepared and informed, you will be able to have an effective and insightful dialogue with your bariatric surgeon. This foundational step is crucial for making an informed decision and paving the way for a healthier future.

Also Read: Recovery Process for Bariatric Surgery: (Steps & Guidelines)

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