What to Buy Before Bariatric Surgery?

What to Buy Before Bariatric Surgery? (25+ Item Checklist)

Preparing for bariatric surgery is an exciting and important step in your weight loss journey. As the big day approaches, you may be wondering what items you should purchase to ensure a smooth transition and successful recovery. In this article, we will explore some essential products and supplies that can help you navigate the post-surgery experience with comfort and ease.

When it comes to buying items before your surgery, prioritize those that will promote healing, enhance your comfort, and support your new lifestyle. From useful tools for portion control to comfortable clothing and more, these recommendations are designed to make your post-surgery journey as seamless as possible. By being proactive and taking the time to gather these items before your surgery, you'll be setting yourself up for success.

As you read on, remember that every individual's needs and preferences may vary, so feel free to adjust these suggestions to best fit your unique situation. Ultimately, your goal is to create a stress-free environment that encourages positive habits and allows you to focus on recovering and embracing your new, healthier life.

Why Prep By Buying Items Before Bariatric Surgery?

Preparing for bariatric surgery involves more than just scheduling a date with your surgeon. You'll need to make significant lifestyle changes both before and after the procedure. By purchasing essential items in advance, you can ease your transition and develop healthy habits that benefit you in the long run.

Taking the time to create a checklist of necessary items ensures you're ready for the journey ahead. This may include meal prep containers, protein supplements, and vitamins to support your new nutritional needs. Having these items on hand before surgery helps you avoid last-minute shopping while recovering.

Investing in exercise equipment or gym membership is another crucial aspect of preparation. Adopting a regular workout routine before surgery can enhance your overall physical health, making the post-operative period more comfortable. Additionally, continuing to exercise after the procedure fosters weight loss and improved well-being.

Finally, don't forget about your emotional health. Bariatric surgery is a significant event in your life, and it's essential to have support from friends, family, and professionals. Consider joining support groups, scheduling therapy appointments, or finding online resources to help you navigate this process.

By taking the time to properly prepare and buy items ahead of time, you can focus on your recovery and adjust to your new lifestyle after bariatric surgery. Preparation is key, and being proactive will set you up for the best possible outcome.

We will now go through over 25 essential items to have or to buy before bariatric surgery if you don't already have them.

Comfortable Clothing

Easy to Put On Underwear

After bariatric surgery, you want to feel at ease and comfortable. Opt for underwear that is easy to put on, such as briefs or boy shorts made from soft, stretchy materials. This will make your dressing routine quicker and hassle-free.

Nice Fitting Bras

Choosing the right bra can make a big difference in your comfort level. Look for bras with adjustable straps and wide bands that offer support without digging into your skin. Wireless and front-closure bras are also a great option for easy wear and removal.

Loose Fitting Clothes

Loose-fitting clothes are essential after surgery. Avoid tight or constricting garments that can irritate incisions and limit your movement. Flowy tops, elastic waist pants, or leggings made from breathable fabrics will keep you comfortable as you recover.


Invest in a set of soft, cozy pajamas in a size that feels comfortable. Opt for those with button-down tops or bottoms with adjustable drawstrings for easy wear and extra convenience during your recovery period.


Your feet also need some care! Get a few pairs of non-constricting socks that are soft and easy to put on. Compression socks may also be recommended by your doctor to help with circulation and swelling concerns.


Last but not least, don't forget about your feet. Choose comfortable slippers with non-slip soles to ensure safety as you move around your home during recovery. Look for options with an open or adjustable design, making them easy to put on and remove.

Taking the time to invest in comfortable clothing and footwear can make a significant difference in your overall well-being during the recovery process from bariatric surgery. Give yourself the gift of comfort and convenience by including these items on your shopping list.

Bariatric Safe Food, Drinks, & Diet-Related Items

Bariatric Multivitamins

After bariatric surgery, your body's ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals may be diminished. To ensure you receive the necessary nutrients, it is important to take bariatric-specific multivitamins. These are specially formulated to meet the unique needs of individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery.

Bariatric multivitamins typically contain higher levels of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, iron, and calcium. They are designed to help you avoid nutritional deficiencies while your body adjusts to your new, smaller stomach and altered digestion process. To ensure you choose the right multivitamin, follow these tips:

  1. Consult with your doctor or dietitian: They can recommend a specific brand or type of bariatric multivitamin to ensure you receive the appropriate nutrients in the right amounts.
  2. Check for quality assurance: Look for a multivitamin that has been independently tested and verified to meet quality and purity standards, such as those with a USP or NSF mark.
  3. Choose a comprehensive formula: A good bariatric multivitamin should contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, as well as B vitamins, folic acid, and biotin. It should also have important minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc.
  4. Opt for a product tailored to your surgery type: Different bariatric procedures may result in different nutritional needs. Select a multivitamin designed specifically for your type of surgery, whether it's a gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or adjustable gastric band.
  5. Pick a convenient form: Bariatric multivitamins come in various forms, including capsules, chewable tablets, and liquid. Choose a form that is easy for you to consume and incorporate into your daily routine.

Remember, taking a bariatric multivitamin is a lifelong commitment to support your health and well-being after weight loss surgery. Prioritize your nutritional needs and make it a habit to take your multivitamins as recommended by your healthcare professional.

Protein Supplement

Before bariatric surgery, it's important to stock up on protein supplements to ensure that your body receives the necessary nutrients while you recover. As you adjust to your new diet, these supplements will play an essential role in your overall health and wellness.

There are numerous protein shakes and powders available in the market, designed to help meet your daily protein requirements. It's recommended that you choose a high-quality supplement with around 20 to 30 grams of protein per serving. This will make it easier for you to consume adequate protein without having to eat large portions of food.

While selecting a protein supplement, pay attention to the number of calories in each serving. Post-surgery, your body's ability to consume a large number of calories will be significantly reduced. Hence, opt for a supplement that has the protein you need but with a lower calorie count.

Here are some tips for choosing the right protein supplement:

  • Look for whey or plant-based protein as the primary protein source, as these are easily digestible and ideal for post-surgery recovery.
  • Check the sugar content. Avoid protein shakes with added sugars or high-fructose corn syrup.
  • Opt for a ready-to-drink (RTD) protein shake or a powder that you can easily mix with water or milk. This makes consuming your protein supplement more convenient.
  • Make sure the supplement has a pleasing taste that you enjoy, as you'll be consuming it regularly during the recovery phase.

By maintaining an adequate intake of protein with the help of supplements, you'll support muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall recovery as your body adjusts to life after bariatric surgery. So make sure to have a stockpile of your preferred protein supplement before the big day arrives.


Eggs are an excellent source of protein and nutrients, which you'll need after bariatric surgery. Incorporate them into your diet by eating scrambled, soft-boiled, or poached eggs. They're versatile and easy to digest, making them an ideal food for your post-surgery meal plan.


Following surgery, it's best to limit caffeine intake. Opt for decaffeinated coffee, tea, and sugar-free beverages instead. Cutting back on caffeine can help reduce dehydration and promote better healing after your procedure.


Invest in a high-quality blender to create smooth, easily digestible meals. In the early stages after bariatric surgery, you'll need a liquid diet, which can include soups, protein shakes, and pureed foods. A blender is an essential tool to help make these meals enjoyable and nutritious.


Broth, whether chicken, beef, or vegetable, is an essential part of your post-surgery liquid diet. It provides essential nutrients and hydration without many calories. Opt for low-sodium, sugar-free options to minimize excess salt and sugar intake.

Broth Type



High in protein and easy to digest


Rich in minerals and vitamins


Low in fat and packed with nutrients


Bariatric surgery may lead to nutrient deficiencies, so it's important to focus on nutrient-dense foods and supplements. Prioritize protein-rich options like cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and skim milk to support muscle maintenance. Beans are another great source of protein, as well as fiber, which promotes digestive health.


Chicken is a lean protein source that's easy to digest and versatile in cooking. Incorporate grilled or baked chicken post-surgery to meet your protein needs. Be sure to avoid fried or heavily seasoned chicken, as these can be harder on your stomach.


Staying hydrated is crucial after surgery. To track your fluid intake, consider buying a marked water bottle or set daily reminders on your phone.

Food Scale

To manage portion sizes and accurately track your calorie intake, invest in a food scale. Proper portion control is essential to maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding obesity. Remember: after bariatric surgery, your stomach will be significantly smaller, so smaller portions are crucial.

Monitor your intake of the following foods to stay on track:

  • Protein: eggs, chicken, cottage cheese
  • Dairy: Greek yogurt, skim milk
  • Fiber: beans

With these guidelines, you'll be well-prepared for your dietary needs following bariatric surgery. Remember to consult with your healthcare team for personalized recommendations based on your specific situation.

Smaller Bariatric-Sized Dishes

Smaller dishes and portion-controlled utensils can help you adjust to your new, smaller meals following surgery. These items will also assist in preventing overeating, which is crucial for long-term success.

Food Journal

A food journal can help you track your meals, snacks, and water intake each day. This will keep you accountable and help your healthcare team monitor your progress and make adjustments if necessary.

Pill Organizer

Keeping track of your medications and supplements will be easier with a pill organizer. Look for one with separate compartments for each day of the week and even times of the day if needed.

Water Bottle

Before undergoing bariatric surgery, it's essential to invest in a good-quality water bottle. Staying hydrated is vital for your health, especially after surgery, when your body will be recovering. A water bottle will encourage you to keep liquids close at hand, making it easy to sip throughout the day.

Select a water bottle that is BPA-free and easy to clean. This way, you can ensure that you're taking care of yourself and the environment. Many people prefer bottles with a built-in straw. This feature makes it convenient to drink liquids without having to lift and tilt the bottle. Plus, sipping through a straw helps prevent accidental gulps, which is helpful as your body adjusts to smaller intake amounts post-surgery.

It's important to remember that after bariatric surgery, you'll need to consume primarily low-calorie, non-carbonated liquids. Staying away from carbonated beverages, such as sodas, will prevent gas-related discomfort. Stick with beverages like water, herbal tea, and broth, which will bring you hydration without additional calories.

To make your hydration routine more enjoyable, consider flavoring your water with some sugar-free enhancers. A splash of lemon or lime juice adds a hint of natural flavor without adding calories. This way, you'll be able to effortlessly hydrate your body without getting bored of plain water.

In summary, choosing the right water bottle is an important step in preparing for bariatric surgery. It will allow you to maintain an easy and comfortable hydration routine while focusing on your health and recovery.

Meal Prepping Storage Containers

When preparing for bariatric surgery, having the right storage containers for prepping your meals will be essential. It is important that you find containers that are suitable for your needs and help you maintain portion control.

One of the first steps is to look for containers with dividers. This will enable you to separate different foods, and keep accurate portions for your post-surgery diet. Some containers even come with markings or pre-measured compartments, making it easier for you to stick to the recommended serving sizes.

Another aspect to consider is the material the containers are made of. Opt for BPA-free plastic, glass, or stainless steel containers, as these are better for both your health and the environment. BPA-free plastic is lightweight and portable, while glass and stainless steel are more durable and can safely handle hot or cold temperatures.

Finally, think about investing in a set of measuring spoons or cups to ensure accurate portion sizes before storing your meals. Portion control is crucial after bariatric surgery, so having a good range of measuring tools on hand will come in handy.

Here are some suggestions for storage containers and tools that may be useful:

  • Bento box-style divided containers with locking lids
  • Glass or stainless steel containers with airtight lids
  • Measuring cups and spoons for accurate portioning
  • Reusable silicone food bags

Don't forget to label your containers with the contents and date, to keep track of your meal prepping. This ensures that you consume your prepped meals within a safe time frame. Having a well-stocked kitchen with reliable storage options will make your transition to a healthy post-surgery lifestyle much smoother and less stressful.

Toiletry Supplies

Before undergoing bariatric surgery, it's essential to have a well-stocked supply of toiletries to help you feel comfortable and fresh during your recovery. By preparing a variety of items in advance, you'll be ready to take care of your personal hygiene needs without worrying about running out or having to send someone else shopping for you. Here are some must-have toiletry supplies for your bariatric surgery recovery:

Lip Balm: Your lips might become dry and chapped post-operation, so it's essential to have a good quality lip balm on hand. Using lip balm regularly will help keep your lips moisturized and comfortable, especially if you're spending time in a hospital where the air can often be dry.

Mouthwash: After surgery, you may find it difficult to brush your teeth as vigorously as before. To ensure optimal oral hygiene, include a bottle of mouthwash in your toiletry supplies. Swishing and rinsing with mouthwash will help keep your mouth fresh and clean, with the added benefit of fighting harmful bacteria.

Toothpaste: Toothpaste is, of course, another essential item for proper oral care before and after surgery. Choose a toothpaste that offers cavity protection and can help reduce sensitivity if you experience any discomfort.

Lotion: Your skin can become dry and sensitive after surgery, so having a gentle, fragrance-free lotion is crucial. Apply the lotion regularly, focusing on any areas that might be prone to dryness, such as your elbows, knees, and hands.

Remember to stock up on these toiletry supplies before your surgery, so you'll have everything you need to feel comfortable and cared for during recovery. Having these items in place will help ensure a smoother, worry-free post-operation period.

Other Potential Items You Might Need

As you prepare for your bariatric surgery, it's important to consider items you might need for a smooth recovery. Here's a friendly guide to help you get ready for this life-changing decision.

During the first week after your gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery, your diet will be restricted to clear liquids. Stock up on low-calorie, sugar-free beverages like water, broth, and Crystal Light. Hydration is crucial during this period to minimize the risk of complications and manage nausea.

Once you're able to progress to solid food, prioritize a diet rich in vegetables and lean protein. Your body will need proper nutrients for healing, and your focus should be on consuming smaller, more frequent meals. It's a good idea to meal prep in advance so that you're ready to kick off your new eating habits.

Post-surgery, it's essential to stay on top of your medications. Make sure you have a supply of over-the-counter remedies for common post-operative symptoms like constipation and nausea. Additionally, speak with your healthcare provider about any prescribed medications essential for your recovery.

Since vitamin D and calcium citrate are often recommended after bariatric surgery, ensure you have a supply of these supplements. They will help support your bone health and prevent potential nutrient deficiencies as you adjust to your new diet.

Sleep apnea is a common concern for those with a high body mass index (BMI). If you already have a diagnosis or symptoms of sleep apnea, make sure your sleep equipment is ready for use after your surgery. Proper sleep is essential for a successful recovery.

Your incisions will require care to minimize the risk of infection during the first week following your surgery. Prepare a shower setup that will allow you to keep the surgical site dry, whether that's using a stool to sit on or waterproof bandages to protect your incisions.

In summary, being prepared before your sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass can help you feel more comfortable and confident throughout your recovery. From nourishing foods to essential medications and supplements, there are several items that can contribute to a smoother post-operative experience. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations tailored to your unique situation.

Also Read: Top 12 Products After Weight Loss Surgery

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